Environmental education promotes critical and creative thinking skills and helps children become more engaged with their surroundings. Engaging in crafting workshops using flowers and plants and observing insects and animals are great ways to get started. We aim to create events and workshops that will not only help children understand biodiversity but also inspire them into the richness in the natural environment.


▶︎What does a flower look like?

To increase awareness of the problems associated with industrial flower and plant production, and to change our mindset in buying flowers, a workshop “What does a flower look like? ” was held at Green Wise Italy with Beba Restelli, a long-time collaborator of Bruno Munari. Children learned what organic flowers are and how the blessings of nature, such as the sun and rain play a role in the plant life without relying on pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They also observed the individuality of each flower and gained a better understanding of the natural environment and the ecosystem.


▶︎Learning about our relationships with other living things and plants through nature walks

Children look for insects and small urban animals in the field and learn about urban biodiversity and the environment we live is shared with other living things. The event is sponsored by the Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity (JBIB), an incorporated association in which Green Wise participates, and supported by the Ministry of the Environment, with the aim of increasing the knowledge and interest of urban residents in biodiversity.